This website is your key to accessing all of the Wesbuilders Co-operative industry, supplier, trades and Member information. By regularly accessing the website, you will not only be able to obtain information on our Preferred Suppliers, but also manage your projects and request quotes from multiple preferred suppliers in one easy process. Keep up to date on upcoming events, product promotions, product price changes and trade listings.
Why become a Wesbuilders’ Member?
Wesbuilders offers our Members access to a variety of Preferred Suppliers, greater buying power and therefore lower rates. Our Preferred Suppliers consist of around one hundred organisations ranging from building supply manufacturers, trades people and insurance, to name a few.
Wesbuilders negotiates with industry suppliers to provide our Members with:
- Special rates and discounts;
- Price protection periods to reduce extremes in pricing fluctuations;
- Access to new products and innovation
- Supply and service commitments
- Personalised service standards
- Supplementary incentives such as Display Home assistance.
Securing Projects
- Wesbuilders secures leads from our Members, designers and the public, so that our Members can quote and win new business.
Research and News
- The ‘Latest News’ on our website features up to date information on new products, Preferred Suppliers, awards, design, fellow Members and any critical changes in the industry.
Support Services
- Wesbuilders offers a range of support services including:
- Member to Member referrals for high quality contractors and suppliers;
- Assistance in efficient business management;
- Solution-based advice on construction and business issues;
- Members seeking referrals to secure new employees.
- Technical forums offer Members information on all aspects of construction via industry experts and Preferred Supplier presentations;
- Business improvement forums to assist in improving business productivity and performance;
- Site visits provide a hands on approach to learning the practical application of products and services;
- Networking forums provide the opportunity for Members and Preferred Suppliers to interact, one-on-one, to develop mutually beneficial relationships;
- Research on new and innovative products;
- Our annual Trade Expo showcases the latest products and services the industry has to offer.
Access to Information
- As a Member, you will have unlimited 24/7 access to the Wesbuilders’ website. The site allows you to search for products and Preferred Suppliers, review pricing and service standards, request quotations from Preferred Suppliers and get in touch with the best suited organisation.
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Wesbuilders Member